ArcherPoint Dynamics NAV Developer Digest - vol 33

ArcherPoint Dynamics NAV Developer Digest - vol 33

The ArcherPoint technical staff—made up of developers, project managers, and consultants – is constantly communicating internally, with the goal of sharing helpful information with one another.

As they run into issues and questions, find the answers, and make new discoveries, they post them companywide on Yammer for everyone’s benefit. We in Marketing watch these interactions and never cease to be amazed by the creativity, dedication, and brainpower we’re so fortunate to have in this group—so we thought, wouldn’t it be great to share them with the rest of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Community? So, the ArcherPoint Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer Digest was born. Each week, we present a collection of thoughts and findings from the ArcherPoint staff. We hope these insights will benefit you, too.

Question about NAV Licenses and SQL Server:

I’m helping a client install a brand new NAV server and they have some questions about the license file. This is a brand new installation of NAV 2013 R2 on a server in another country. They have installed SQL Server 2012 on the server already. Their international team has already purchased the NAV license which is licensed for MSSQLServer 2012 Std Runtime. Apparently, you cannot use it with anything other than NAV. Does anyone know if this communication to the NAV database is allowed with this type of licensing?

Helle Madsen

I believe these SQL users can only be used for NAV purposes, but they can probably pay for additional SQL users – outside NAV.

Question on getting the Computer Name and Client Name programmatically:

In the 2013 environment, how do I get the Computer Name or the Client Name? Is it still available with the ‘ENVIRON’ command? Prior to V7 you could use the Computer/Client name to designate the Packing station, but the code is no longer there.

Kyle Hardin

There are two environment variables at play: CLIENTNAME gives you the name of the end workstation when logged onto a terminal server (the user’s computer), and COMPUTERNAME is the name of the terminal server itself. It would be a fairly simple DotNet call to get those values. If someone connects to NAV directly (not going through Terminal Server) CLIENTNAME doesn’t exist if you are logged on locally. COMPUTERNAME always exists. So the code would be if CLIENTNAME is found, then use it, otherwise use the COMPUTERNAME. Thanks,

Jon Long

By the way, the host server machine is displayed in the upper right corner of every page, along with the Company Name, the Service Name, and the Database Name. This is true, as long as the System Indicator is set, which it usually is. If not, it’s easy to set from the Company Information Page.

Matt Traxinger To All CompanyMicrosoft has released the first five NAV 2015 E-Learning courses here:

Check out Microsoft’s IT Academy

  • What’s New Functional in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
  • What’s New Technical in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
  • Finance Essentials in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
  • Finance Advanced in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015
  • Development Environment Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015This week’s Developer Digest includes NAV licenses, getting the Computer Name and Client Name programmatically, and NAV training resources from Microsoft

Article on new capabilities coming the next release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV next release, codenamed “Corfu”, will introduce new baseline capabilitites around three functional areas: workflow, document management and OCR, and E-services integration.

Read the article at

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