Dynamics NAV Coffee Break: Using My Notifications

Dynamics NAV Coffee Break: Using My Notifications

Microsoft introduced a variety of new features and functionality with the release of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. The MyNotifications feature is among them. By using this feature to tailor each NAV user’s instance, it can help you be more productive while using Dynamics NAV. This video provides a brief overview of where find this feature, how to add filters, delete standard options, and personalize for each Dynamics NAV user login.


To learn more about the new features in Dynamics NAV 2017, see the Feature Enhancements blog part 1 and part 2

You can view this video and many other video tutorials for Dynamics NAV at ArcherPoint’s YouTube Channel.

Read more “How To” blogs from ArcherPoint for practical advice on using Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

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