Limiting Discounts in Your Point of Sale System

Limiting Discounts in Your Point of Sale System

Occasionally, you will need to grant your workers access to give discounts, but you will also want to enforce when the discount is appropriate and when it’s not. If the shirt is supposed to be on sale and it isn’t ringing up at the discounted price, it’s probably a great idea to give your in-store personnel the rights to make the change. But what if it’s an item that you have a no discount policy on? You’ll want the POS system to stop the discount.

How can you create these limited discounts? Read our blog post and watch our step-by-step video to learn how you can assign different permissions for different users. Also learn how to give simple discounts to certain items or orders and how to capture the cashier’s reasoning behind discounts. Each blog contains a video with step-by-step instructions that will help guide you through the process!

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