Top Three Reasons to use Microsoft Azure

Top Three Reasons to use Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure, Microsoft’s cloud-computing infrastructure and platform is an ideal tool for building, deploying and managing applications through a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. There is a myriad of reasons to adopt Azure, the three most compelling being: savings, security, and scalability.

Savings and Microsoft Azure

Azure has simplified the process of getting up and running with different applications and services. By running Azure in the cloud, there is no longer a need to invest in physical servers and/or server storage space when running applications such as Dynamics NAV. Additionally, companies using Azure do not need to invest in the expense of maintaining hardware, storage space for said hardware, or even the electricity it costs to run the hardware.

With Azure, companies only need to pay for the resources that their applications are using. And, should a company need to increase its number of users or its data storage, for example, Microsoft can simply adjust their rate. With this “pay-as-you-go” approach, businesses only pay for space that they need, instead of having to pay for empty storage that they may never use.

Further, Azure promotes cost savings through flexibility. For example, if your company needs to ramp up server space for a limited period, then scale back server usage, you can easily do that with Azure. You can adopt a combination of virtual and on-premise server existence if that is the most economical configuration for your company.

Security and Microsoft Azure

Another advantage of Azure is security. Security and privacy are embedded into the development of Azure and currently has more certifications than any other cloud provider. Not only is the platform protected, the end user is also covered with Azure. This multi-level of protection is essential as security threats continue to multiply daily across the globe, targeting end users and putting your business’ data at risk. Azure provides simple, user-friendly services for increased protection, such as multi-factor authentication and application password requirements.

To learn more about how you can protect your business from cyber crime, watch our webinar, Demystifying Cybersecurity. In just 30 minutes, you’ll learn how you can start protecting your organization now and what to consider in your cybersecurity strategy, including end point management, password health, managed detection/response, backups, disaster recovery, and user education.

Scalability and Microsoft Azure

Another advantage of using Azure is the ease to which it enables a company to scale operations. Businesses using Azure can easily and quickly develop, test, revamp (if necessary) and launch applications. This allows companies to explore potential new revenue streams. Additionally, companies using Azure will have the ability to try features of new technologies and determine if it makes sense to adopt without expensive outlay or setting up complex infrastructure. This type of agility is not just valuable in terms of getting things done, but it means that companies can do a lot more, grow quicker and fail faster and scale operations.

As more and more operations more into the cloud, business will have to adopt to survive. Taking advantage of the expertise of Microsoft and its cloud computing model, Azure, you are helping your business not only survive, but also thrive in the cloud.

Our Azure experts can help you migrate to Azure so you can experience additional savings, security, and scalability. For more information on how Microsoft Azure can help your business, contact one of our Azure experts today. For more information on Azure and cloud computing in general, be sure to visit our resource center and subscribe to our blog.

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